Monday, November 29, 2010

Menu Monday- Again??

It seems like Monday happens a lot around here, don't ya think?

It's always so easy to do my Menu Monday, though, because freezer cooking really is the shit. Plus I spent less than $15 at the store this week.  BOOYAH

Thanksgiving was divine, by the way.  I hope yours was just as swell.  I made a turkey.  I'll try to write a post on that tomorrow.  It really is a story.

So without further ado, here's the menu!

Monday- Beef Stroganoff
Tuesday- More beef stroganoff (maybe... or leftovers from Thanksgiving.)
Wednesday- Mike's birthday!  Chicken and dumplings with ice cream cake
Thursday- More chicken and dumplings
Friday- Chicken sandwiches
Saturday breakfast- waffles and smoothies
Saturday dinner- maybe a date night?  Only if Mike's off work.
Sunday breakfast- Cinnamon rolls, please!
Sunday dinner- Probably more chicken sandwiches (we love our leftovers)

It looks like a boring menu, I know, but sunday is a cooking day for next month, and we have leftovers, and we love chicken.  Actually my whole week is the same color- I must not have thought this through very well.  And I miss spaghetti.

Enjoy, and I'm linking up here.

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