Dear future children- please be like your father and eat everything.
I don't deal with picky eaters well. It's frustrating.
My mom is a picky eater. And when I say picky I don't mean to a huge extreme. Just mainly vegetables. Green vegetables. And we put vegetables in pretty much everything we cook.
So naturally, when she stays with us (which is twice a week- she commutes to work, so it helps her out), dinner is a little bit of a challenge. There are a few meals that I make that she likes. But not a lot. So I plan it all out. And then Mr. Snow comes along and changes her schedule. Now it's Monday, she's staying with us tonight, and the pot pie or beef stroganoff I had planned for when she was coming are frozen solid.
I guess I'll make the dinner tonight and throw the veggies in after she gets her portion? I think that'll work. I'm not really good at this "adjusting" yet. How do you all do it? I don't want her to feel she has to get her own food, and I don't want her to feel bad because we have to change our menu. How do you balance things?
Anyways, here's the menu
Monday- Chicken Alfredo
Tuesday- Spaghetti
Wednesday- Maple Chicken
Thursday- Beef Stroganoff
Friday- Pot Pie
Saturday breakfast- Eggs and Biscuits
Saturday dinner- Eating out! (We still have 1 more giftcard from Xmas)
Sunday breakfast- Pancakes?
Sunday dinner- Maple Glazed Chicken
I had planned on packing Chili and cornbread for my lunch this week. However, I used an old stockpot for the chili (I had made a double batch) and it was too thin of a pot- it burnt the chili. I froze it anyways hoping it would be fine if I didn't scrape the bottom... But it tastes burnt. I couldn't even eat it. How awful to waste so much chili! (A double batch, people...) So now I have a dilemma- do I go to the store and buy ingredients to make the chili again? Or do I just buy cheap-y soup for lunch? I can't decide.
Link up, folks!
I think your beef stroganoff may have single-handedly saved me from dying of starvation after my wisdom teeth surgery. <3 !
Yay! I'm glad I saved the day! It is rather yummy.
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