Saturday, January 1, 2011

For 2011

I'm not normally a person to make New Year's Resolutions, because quite frankly we usually don't keep them.  BUT.  This past year I noticed that I was just sorta going through life and getting really comfortable with routine and my every day life.  (read: boring).  SO this year I have 2 resolutions: to live life with more purpose, and to leave my comfort zone more often!

For example.  I plan on signing up for the Warrior Dash today.  

Also on the list this year?

Goals for us: 

Mike wants a full time job.  He's expecting a call for an interview in the next week.
I want to get a lot of grad school in (I start in 9 days).
Run the Warrior Dash (and some other 5k races).
Attend a wedding!  My brother will have a May wedding.  :)

Goals for the house:

We need to cut down a tree... Sadly...
If Mike gets that nice full time job we just might get new windows!
I want to re-do the master bedroom and the project room.  We're thinking natural earthy tones in the bedroom and I like the idea of bright colors for the project room (since later it will eventually be a baby's room).
Hang a clothes line!  We have a huge nice backyard.  Time to make use of it!
Landscape- I want a garden in the front yard, and I hate our bushes!

Project list- 

Window treatments for the bedroom
Bottle Chandelier
Laundry Organizer
Sewing Cart
Message Center at the door (Can't decide which one I like best)
Knit several projects and open an Etsy shop???  Or maybe just get my Christmas gifts done early.  We'll see!

Happy 2011 y'all!

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