I'll do a post later about all that, but to get to current topics- MENU MONDAY!!!!
On a Tuesday. Again.
Anyways, food this week? There's a lot of it. I mean, hello stuffing your face week!
Monday- Christmas dinner out with the Brudders!!!! Both of my brothers work at a casino (in the restaurants) so they never get off for the holiday. SO. To deal with that and the fact that we live a sizeable distance apart, we met half way and ate at the Fuji Steakhouse. It's like Benihana's, only a little cheaper (same great taste if you ask me!). Boy was it yum.
Tuesday- Lasagna
Wednesday- Take your pick of leftovers- Christmas dinner or lasagna
Thursday- I'm thinking Taco Melts
Friday breakfast- Doughnuts! We love us homemade doughnuts.
Friday dinner- Maple Glazed Chicken with rice and carrots.
Saturday breakfast- Breakfast burritos- if we like them I'll share the recipe.
Saturday dinner- Probably Chili or eating out- it's my cooking day
Sunday breakfast- Pancakes?
Sunday dinner- Beef stroganoff? I think so...
As you can tell, this is all made up on the spot. I have a menu, but we've drifted so far off the map that I don't remember what it says- just what's in the freezer. The good thing is I have probably a week's worth of meals still in the freezer! Yay for not needing to make so much this month!
PS- The Christmas ham (and apple dumplings) were delicious. Recipes to follow... Probably tomorrow. I will try, though!
PSS- Link up ya'll
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