Confession- I hate to shave. I avoid shaving. In the winter, it's bad. My hair, though, is blonde and very thin, so it's not the worst thing ever. Right?
Here's my issue- for all the gentlemen out there, do you realize how long it takes to shave your legs? There's a lot more skin than on your face. Plus, there's more distance. You have to reach your ankles (easy, right?) and the backs of your knees (ok, so you have to twist a little), and the back of your thighs (ok... seriously, I either need a mirror, or do it blind, because it's just not possible).
Problem two- I have yet to find a razor that works. Really works. There should be a balance between so tough it cuts your skin off or to pieces and so soft it just doesn't cut. I like the ones I'm using now. They are disposable venus something or others. They do a decent job. But that still isn't great. I have to double check and triple check (like I said, my hairs are blonde and thin) because without a doubt, the second I finish and dry off, I find a HUGE strip that just refused to let go. And my knees... They're rather bony, or have scars (knee surgery in '02 and '08) and the terrain is just not tolerable of shaving.
The biggest problem- that stupid shower! I'm not the type of girl who likes to do things separately, so I don't sit on the edge of the tub and shave. I try to shave in the shower. On second thought, maybe I need to just try the edge of the tub because shaving in the shower requires acrobat-like abilities. My legs have no where to go. The lighting is poor. It just isn't working.
I think a woman needs to design a shower. A shower entirely based around the needs of a woman, because let's face it. Men need less out of the shower. Just a tall shower head and a place to put his all-in-one (or so he thinks?) soap/shampoo. It needs to have a bench (not the old lady bench, people) and a couple extra ledges to place things like, say, your foot while shaving. How about a decent razor holder? All the ones I've seen or used suck. Hang a mirror off of the ledge so you can automatically see the back of your thighs. Add a second shower head (a mini one) within arms reach to rinse either razor or leg without having to leave your position. Shaving would be faster, easier, and a lot more convenient.
Does anyone else feel this way when they shave?
haha can't say I've ever had problems, but then again, I always do it quite quickly and as a result I notice nicks and cuts when I get out of the shower lol oops
Luckily I have a shower/tub and can (usually) balance my toes on the edge long enough to shave while showering. But I completely agree, there need to be some changes in shower design :)
I am so right there with you!! I RARELY shave...Probably going on two months now. And yep, I've been wearing shorts. It's not some feminist act of rebellion. I really am just too lazy and don't have the time, energy, or patience. I just don't think the pay off is that great! I'm in the same boat though...blond thin hair...if it were thick and dark, I might feel differently! LOL.
Thanks for the comment! = ) I'm following you!
i know exactly what you mean! i tend to get lazy in the winter and wear pants mostly, so i just don't bother. my bf has come to accept it. ;P
i found you via 20sb! :)
shaving sucks!!! stick it to the man!!! although, i do love to be soft and silky.
Great post! Although I have to disagree about a mirror in the thanks lol!
Haha Distributary, now that you mention it, you might be right! Maybe a tiny one... where I can only see a small section at a time... and don't have to see the whole picture? Maybe we can just skip the mirror...
Thanks for the comments guys! It's so exciting to find people reading what I write!
yes! yes and yes! my problem is compounded by the fact that i'm barely hanging out at 5'2. and clumsy. read more about me and the accidents i stumble upon here:
I hate shaving too!!! I only do it if it is warmer than 60 degrees or if it's been more than 5 days in the cold weather! I just got a pink Venus Embrace, I believe, and the area around the 5 blades is almost child-proof. Kinda nice. Haven't had one knick yet!
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